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St Aidens RSPB Nature Reserve

St Aiden’s is well known for the variety of birds that can be seen throughout the year, and autumn is no exception. I know, I know it's not truly Autumn. As you stroll along the main paths, binoculars in hand, your eyes scan the skies and water for movement. It's not long before the first sightings begin. In fact there are thousands of birds everywhere you look.

One of the highlights of this season is the arrival of migratory birds. As the temperature drops, St Aiden’s becomes a stopover for birds heading south for the winter. The lagoons and lakes are alive with the activity of these long distance travelers. Among the most striking are the **Whooper Swans**, their graceful white forms contrasting with the dark water as they glide silently across the surface. Often spotted in groups, their distinctive honking calls resonate through the air, a reminder of the long journey they are undertaking from Iceland to the British Isles. We didn't see a single Whooper, not one. This time last year we observed seven Whoopers.

In the reed beds, the **Bearded Tits** can be heard before they are seen. Their metallic "ping" calls alert you to their presence as they flit among the tall reeds. These small, strikingly marked birds with their long tails and unique moustache-like markings are a delight to observe. In the cooler months, they feed on the seeds of the reeds, providing birdwatchers with ample opportunities to spot them. We did the Bearded Tit avoidance walk, not a jot. Not even the distant sound of the little B$%&ers grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.

On the open water, flocks of **Lapwings** gather, their numbers swelling as more birds arrive from their northern breeding grounds. The Lapwings, with their iridescent green plumage and distinctive crest, perform acrobatic flights, twisting and turning in the sky. These displays are not just for show; they serve as a defence mechanism to confuse potential predators and there are plenty of predators.

The lakes also attract various species of ducks. **Wigeons**, with their whistling calls and russet heads, are a common sight, alongside the striking **Shovelers**, easily recognised by their large, spatula-shaped bills. The elegant Snipe can be seen if you look closely and the more you look and get "your eye in" the more you see.

As you explore further, you may encounter the elusive **Bittern**. These birds are masters of camouflage, blending perfectly with the reed beds. Patient observers might be rewarded with a sighting as it emerges to hunt for fish. Its booming call, which can be heard over great distances, is a distinctive sound of the reed beds. Look below as the images show the Bittern looking at us looking at…Well you catch my drift.

Finally, as the day draws to a close, you might witness one of St Aiden’s most spectacular events: the evening showing of the Short Eared Owl, many people gather most evenings to catch a glimpse of these magnificent birds. They are large in size and large in character and the crowds love them. And if you see one it will stay with you forever.

Practical Information

St Aiden’s Nature Reserve is located at **Astley Lane, Swillington, Leeds, LS26 8AL**. It’s easily accessible by car and offers ample parking for visitors.

The reserve is open daily, from **9:00 AM to 6:00 PM** during the autumn months. However, it’s always a good idea to check the RSPB website for the latest opening times and any potential restrictions, as these can change with the seasons.

The visitor centre offers maps, bird guides, and binocular rentals, ensuring that even those new to birdwatching can make the most of their visit. There’s also a small café on site, where you can enjoy a warm drink and a snack after your walk.

It never fails to make you feel alive.

A visit to St Aiden’s in autumn is more than just a day out; it’s an experience that stays with you. The serene beauty of the landscape, combined with the incredible variety of birdlife, offers a profound connection with nature. Whether you’re an experienced birder or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, St Aiden’s Nature Reserve provides a perfect escape, where the wonders of Yorkshire’s wildlife are on full display.
Osprey, would you believe it, on my doorstep, Wow. We actually watched two, one ringed and one not ringed. The fact that you can go to St Aidens and see Osprey is amazing. We had sight of the first bird within ten minutes of arrival, we were just talking about will we won't we see one then we looked up.
Below: Bittern, are one of the most sought after signings at any nature reserve, mention you have seen a bittern and see the faces light up of the people you are talking to, they will always ask for a detailed location. Bittern used to attract huge crowds and a long staying individual could be seen by thousands ten years ago. Now, many reserves have bittern who still draw the crowds but not in the numbers of days gone by.
The Bittern above and below was seen by seven of so people but as the excitement grew more and more people joined the spectacle such is the legend of this amazing creature. Hard to fine and very secretive it draws its adorning fans. You never get tired of a Bittern.
Below are some of the other birds we observed on the reserve from Grebe below to the majestic Great White Egret. Also the beautiful Fox, I know everyone will not agree with me that Fox's are beautiful but they are.
Above and below the Fox.
Above and below Great Crested Grebe Juvenile.
Above is one of my favourite birds, the Ruff.
The Spoonbill, OMG how do they fly with that bill? Used for sifting the silt on the lake bed for tasty morsels. Now a reasonably regular visitor to these shores, I can remember not so long ago driving to London to see one at a wetland centre with hundreds of others, oh and the queues.
Above: Little Owl, many visitors know he's there and you can see them looking for him, however he is a master of disguise. This is where he was at 7:00am but three hours later he was stood on a small piece of metal inside the drag line compound hiding behind a bush, well a twig really. As the wind blew the twig he was revealed.
Above and below the Great White Egret, distinguishable from the more common 'Little Egret" by size and the Little Egret has a black bill.

Wheldrake Ings, York

Undoubtedly Wheldrake Ings is a fantastic birding destination and it has a lot going for it. Just a few days ago there was over 1000 Black Tailed Godwits, quite a few Pintail and 1000s of other mixed ducks of all kinds. They are all quite distant and a scope is needed for proper identification, however there are many other species of birds in the trees and hedgerows as you walk to the hides.
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It's definitely a Chiffchaff year! Chiffchaffs were back early from their migration destination of choice. The bird gets its name from the song it sings and the song is an integral part of the British Spring and summertime landscape. This little Warbler sings its heart out, is attractive and punches well above its diminutive size.

The Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) is a small passerine bird species belonging to the family Phylloscopidae. It is renowned for its distinctive call, which resembles its name "chiff-chaff." This report aims to provide an overview of the migratory behavior of the Chiffchaff, focusing on its movements, timing, and destinations.

Migration Patterns:
Chiffchaffs are migratory birds, exhibiting remarkable seasonal movements between breeding and wintering grounds. They are primarily found across Europe and western Asia during the breeding season. However, during the colder months, they undertake long-distance migrations to milder regions, particularly in southern Europe and North Africa.

Timing of Migration:
The timing of Chiffchaff migration varies depending on geographical location and environmental factors. Generally, they begin their northward migration from their wintering grounds in February and March, reaching their breeding territories by April. The return migration to wintering grounds typically occurs from August to October, with individuals departing breeding areas as early as late July.

Migration Routes:
Chiffchaffs follow several migratory routes, with populations from different regions exhibiting varying paths. Birds breeding in western Europe typically migrate southwest across the English Channel, while those breeding in central and eastern Europe may take a more southerly route through the Mediterranean. Some populations from as far east as Siberia migrate southwest through central Asia, joining the main migration routes in the Middle East.

Wintering Grounds:
During the winter months, Chiffchaffs inhabit a range of habitats in southern Europe and North Africa. They are commonly found in woodland, scrubland, and gardens, where they feed on insects and other small invertebrates. Popular wintering destinations include Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and Algeria, where milder climates provide suitable conditions for foraging and survival.

Migration Challenges:
Chiffchaffs face various challenges during migration, including habitat loss, adverse weather conditions, and predation. Human activities such as deforestation and urbanization also pose threats to their migratory routes and stopover sites. Climate change may further impact their migration patterns, altering the timing of breeding and migration and affecting the availability of food resources along their routes.

In conclusion, the Chiffchaff's migratory journey is a remarkable feat of endurance and adaptation. Understanding their migration patterns and the challenges they face is crucial for their conservation and management. Efforts to preserve suitable breeding and wintering habitats, mitigate anthropogenic threats, and address climate change are essential for ensuring the continued survival of this charming bird species.
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Wykeham Raptor Point

We went to Wykeham Forest raptor viewing point for Goshawk really and we did see at least five. Raptors were plentiful but very distant, if I had taken photographs they would be specks on a page even with a 600mm lens, 1.4 teleconverter and two toilet rolls.
We were there for a few hours and all the time we could hear Crossbill behind, and at the side of us. Only once did one land long enough to get a decent image (see below).

Also below is two shots of a Buzzard that came close enough for my version of a decent image. Phil, my birding partner in crime has a much better version of decent images but he posts on Facebook and X, Phil Smithson.
We walked back to where the car was parked, funnily enough the raptor point car park and immediately heard several more Crossbills feeding at the very tops of the conifers. Now if you have ever been there you will know how high these trees are. Below is the results of my film and photographic efforts…be kind.

Just before we we were leaving we observed a lower level bird and immediately thought it was a Two Barred Crossbill! It did have two very distinct bars, but experience has taught us all that the bird may be masquerading as something it was not…sneaky!

Upon consulting books, apps and the internet the conclusion was Common Crossbill dressed up as its Two Barred cousin.


A little bit of science

The Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) is a distinctive passerine bird species belonging to the finch family, Fringillidae. Renowned for its uniquely crossed mandibles, this charismatic bird inhabits coniferous forests across North America, Europe, and Asia. With its specialized bill adapted for prying open the tough cones of various conifer species, the Common Crossbill has become an expert in extracting seeds, forming the cornerstone of its diet.

Males and females of the Common Crossbill display significant sexual dimorphism in plumage coloration. Males often showcase vibrant red or orange hues, while females exhibit a more subdued olive or yellow-green coloration. This sexual dimorphism aids in distinguishing between the genders, although both share the iconic crossed bill structure.

These birds are highly social, often found in small to large flocks, especially during the non-breeding season. Their presence can be detected by their distinctive flight calls, which are loud and metallic. Common Crossbills are known for their nomadic tendencies, moving in search of abundant cone crops. Their ability to travel long distances contributes to their survival in dynamic forest environments like Wykeham in North Yorkshire.

Breeding occurs primarily in the spring and summer months, with females constructing cup-shaped nests in the branches of conifer trees. The female typically lays a clutch of 3-5 eggs, which she incubates for about two weeks. Once hatched, both parents participate in feeding the chicks until they fledge, usually around three weeks after hatching.

Despite its relitivley widespread distribution, the Common Crossbill faces various threats, including habitat loss and degradation due to deforestation and climate change. Changes in cone crop availability, essential for their diet, also pose challenges to their survival. Conservation efforts aimed at preserving mature coniferous forests are crucial for ensuring the continued presence of this unique and captivating species.

Intriguing in both appearance and behavior, the Common Crossbill serves as a symbol of resilience and adaptation in the face of changing environmental conditions, captivating birdwatchers and researchers alike with its specialized feeding habits and social dynamics.

Written by Steve Farley Yorkshirewild


Hillam Rooks!

Good morning everyone, yesterday evening the device pole was removed and I am hoping never to return. No more loud bangs and no more disturbance to our wildlife, Horses. Children and pets. Not necessarily in that order.

I hope we have a resolution and I do not know if the environmental officer has been around, I really hope so. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that reads this for their support.
A little bit of Science!
Just for clarity we will call it a Rookery. The Rookery is at the side of my house at the end of Hillam Hall View and contained about 55 birds at its largest count. At the peak of the breeding season this is 9 nests at the very top of some very very tall trees. Every morning the Rooks leave to go to their feeding grounds in the stubble fields surrounding Hillam and Burton Salmon.

I know that our Rooks go East and usually feed in fields surrounding the pumping station in Hillam, so not very far away. However before they go other groups of Rooks will sometimes join them and swell the numbers and this can look like a murmuration and lasts three minutes or so. They all then go off together and in my observations over the last twenty eight years rarely return as one big group. The 55 or so in our Rookery return as a group as they will have done for 10"s if not 100"s of years.

Rooks only make a noise in the breeding season.
In the film above you will clearly see several groups of Rooks getting acquainted before they go to their feeding grounds in the east of the village. They will murmurate just before they leave, this usually takes place in the breeding season and just after.

The fact is somewhere between forty and fifty five birds will return to this Rookery along with some Starlings and depending on the season other species too.
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